I am a wander. Or, at least I want to be. When I returned from
my Pacific trip I was ballooned with such a passion and determination to continue traveling and learning about myself, people and places.
That balloon has become deflated. My debt, and thus, a necessity to work has pin-holed it. I have also seemed to fall back in the routine of my life pre-Micronesia - the routine I hoped to escape when I returned.
Thank goodness for Adam traveling and working in India. He is blogging about his experience there and each email seems to inflate said passions about traveling.

The biggest problem is my complacency. I work and coach all day. After coaching, Harvey from
Celebrity Fit Club (aka Josh) pushes me to go the gym. When I get home I just eat and play video games instead of doing things that need to be done in order for me to travel.

I don't think I am completely set on the Peace Corps. It's not that I am any less passionate about it, I just want to explore all of my opportunities to be abroad. Apparently there are tons of opportunities for college graduates to work abroad, I just need to discover them.

I am a little torn. The Peace Corps offers me the chance to really immerse myself within a different culture while affording me the opportunity to contribute socially. It is much more of a true and giving experience than, say, getting a job in Anywhere, Europe. At the same time, there are places in the world I really want to see and events I really want to experience, and the Peace Corps may not necessarily offer this opportunity (for example, an EPL game, Carnival, or Christ the Redeemer).
I think my best bet will be to just apply for anything, be open minded, and start to pinpoint what I want to do.
harvey doesn't have two chings
What are chings?
Harvey is hilarious!
You have 'wander lust'!
chins you idiots
oooh eee oh ah ah ching chang walla walla bing bang! mufasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Justin! That's awesome that you are so hooked on traveling. Have you considered teaching English abroad? That's what I am going to do very soon. It doesn't take very long to get certified, you can choose many different countries, and it pays pretty well. Check it out! I think it's called TEFL. Take care man.
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