Sunday, December 30, 2007

Much too young to feel this damn old...

I have been feeling so old lately. It isn't really the permanent patch of white hair that makes me feel old (I'm over that). And it really isn't the fact that my body can't handle as much as it used to. No, it's not really the fact that I am closer to 25 than I am to 20! Well maybe that has something to do with it.

I think it has more to do with the fact that the year 2000 was 8 years ago, and the prime of my childhood was 10-15 years ago. What got me thinking about all of this was VH1's Top 100 Songs of the 90's. Are the 90's already so far gone that we can come up with lists like these? Weren't the 90's just a few years ago?

Nope. The 90's are so far gone that some of my wrestlers (born in 1992 don't know a thing about Saved by the Bell, TGIF, or Snick! They would rather watch Even Stevens than Boy Meets World. This is unbelievable to me! How do they not know whom Zack Morris or Al Lambert are? Its crazy. I'm not that old am I?

Saturday, December 22, 2007


I am a wander. Or, at least I want to be. When I returned from my Pacific trip I was ballooned with such a passion and determination to continue traveling and learning about myself, people and places.

That balloon has become deflated. My debt, and thus, a necessity to work has pin-holed it. I have also seemed to fall back in the routine of my life pre-Micronesia - the routine I hoped to escape when I returned.

Thank goodness for Adam traveling and working in India. He is blogging about his experience there and each email seems to inflate said passions about traveling.

The biggest problem is my complacency. I work and coach all day. After coaching, Harvey from Celebrity Fit Club (aka Josh) pushes me to go the gym. When I get home I just eat and play video games instead of doing things that need to be done in order for me to travel.

I don't think I am completely set on the Peace Corps. It's not that I am any less passionate about it, I just want to explore all of my opportunities to be abroad. Apparently there are tons of opportunities for college graduates to work abroad, I just need to discover them.

I am a little torn. The Peace Corps offers me the chance to really immerse myself within a different culture while affording me the opportunity to contribute socially. It is much more of a true and giving experience than, say, getting a job in Anywhere, Europe. At the same time, there are places in the world I really want to see and events I really want to experience, and the Peace Corps may not necessarily offer this opportunity (for example, an EPL game, Carnival, or Christ the Redeemer).

I think my best bet will be to just apply for anything, be open minded, and start to pinpoint what I want to do.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Well I haven't had much time to update. I have been busy substitute teaching and coaching wrestling. This weekend I traveled down to Whitehall to coach. Coaching is very fun, but it can be frustrating. I hope I am not living vicariously through some of my wrestlers.

I have to mention something that I would be all over if it came from the other side of the tracks. Two volunteers for Hillary Clinton's campaign have been fired/let go for idiotic comments about Barack Obama. They sent out emails saying ignorant things about him being a Muslim and trying to take down America from the inside. Man, it just goes to show that idiocracy isn't only a right-winged thing. I am still not sure who I support, but this certantly doesn't help. Hillary has had some shady things happen.

On a non-political note, Michigan can't find a head coach. Somehow a Arkansas has no problem finding a coach, but we can't. Just goes to show how inept our Athletic Department is. I am still holding out for Les Miles and will continue to do so until we hire a different coach. It is me just being optomistic.

I can't believe I haven't even mentioned a thing about the Holiday Season! It is one of my favorite times of the year. I am a huge fan of the mood, music, and spirit this time of year. Like Thanksgiving, I enjoy Christmas time because of being with family!

I'd have to say my favorite Christmas movies are: The Santa Clause, Elf, and Home Alone 1 & 2. I have way too many favorite songs to list.

Anyways, I'm not sure that anyone reads this, but I'll try to update anyways :). Take it easy. Justin

Oh yeah, vote on my poll!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Detroit Tigers

Welcome to Detroit Dontrell and Miguel. What a trade! In case you a. live under a rock; or b. don't care about sports, the Detroit Tigers traded a bunch of minor league players who haven't proved much for two World Series Champion young players. If Willis can throw like he did three years ago, we will have the best rotation in MLB. Miguel Cabrerra has taken some crap for gaining wait, but apparently he has lost 15 pounds during the off season.

Some people can't watch baseball, but I don't really have a problem with it. Sometimes I get bored, but I can watch for-the-most-part (hey I like soccer too - most of you would consider that boring I'm sure).

Now if only Michigan Athletics could take the same mentality as Dave Dombrowski (the GM of both the Tigers and Red Wings). Dombrowski wants championships and is willing to spend money to do so. Sure he cares about making money, but his mentality seems to be "if we win, they will come". Bill Martin seems so much more worried about the bottom line than providing the best coaching, facilities, and equipment for his student athletes. I feel like he is really going to drop the ball with hiring a new football coach.

Okay beyond sports: I have just been coaching and substitute teaching. Substitute teaching is fun, but I prefer High School over Junior High because the HS kids actually know how to listen.

Hey if you are interested in our wrestling program, check out the website I started:

Take is easy.