This is the most "live" a post has been. I'm updating straight from my cell phone in the Las Vegas Airport.
Without knowing it I have become an activist. I have always envisioned activists as radical-at least more radical than me. No doubt there are plenty who will think I am radical. I am lobbying for Gay rights; one of those extremely polarizing issues. I imagines that there isn't much gray area - you are either for them or against them. The extent to which this is true I will discover in the coming days and weeks.
I had a discussion with my mom yesterday. She wants to know my life do I, but I'm in no rush to figure it out at this moment in time. I've only got one life and I don't want to plan one path and tread down it, eyes at my feet. I would rather have a machete and make my path as I go. Sure sooner or later ill cross and already trampled path, but I want to head for the brush, the thick shit. The stuff I can't see over or through, but I know it will lead to somewhere wonderful if I keep chopping. I'm all about the adventure.
Two years after graduating and am I where I thought I'd be? No. I thought I would be in one of two places: 1)a foreign country, or 2)in the sports business. But here I am, having done a bit of both, on my way to Seattle to work for Gay rights. And although I'm not where I thought I would be, I'm completely content.
A professor of mine challenged us to take off our "straw hats" - to not just analyze as intellectuals, but to be proactive. Well here I am. My straw hat at home, I'm putting action to passion. Some may not be able to understand it (and some do): why I work too many hours for too little money. It's simple: I'm not going to sit around and hope things will change. I'm not going to analyze from afar. I will roll up my sleeves and change what needs to be changed. Passion without action is nothing but a bunch of words.
Korean Tour : A Temple in a Park
4 weeks ago