I have had virtually no time to update Justin Live. I am in the midst of the final voter registration push; there are four weeks left to register voters. John, Rob, and I have decided to milk Virginia for all its worth...and if that means working 90 hours a week, so be it.

The cool thing about voting is it is one of the only times America lives up to what it stands for. "All men are created equal" is bullshit more often than not, especially here in Virginia/the South. But when you step in that booth and you hit that button, or you check that box, it doesn't matter your race, your religion, your sexual preference. It doesn't matter how much money you make. You could walk 5 miles to your poll or show up in a limo, but when you press that button, you have just as much power as anyone else.
That has been my motivation. Especially when we are registering people for the first time. So when they vote (and I hope to *insert religious Deity here* they do), this could quite possibly be the first time that all things are equal.