Zac suggested that I rent the movie SiCKO - a Michael Moore film. I know there are many out there who won't watch simply because it is Michael Moore, but this was a great documentary. I strongly recommend it regardless of political belief.
The movie actually got me quite fired up. I just can't believe there are people who are denied health care because they don't have insurance. It is inhumane. Even those with health care have a hard time benefiting from it. We receive education and protection (in firefighters and police) for free, what makes health care so different?
A line in the movie states: "If we can pay to kill people, we can pay to help people." Bush recently asked for $90 Billion to continue our efforts in Iraq. Even more recently, Bush vetoed a bill that would give health care to CHILDREN. How can this be? Don't tell me the money is necessary to keep our troops safe because if we really wanted our troops safe we would bring them home (an issue I'll save for another time). Don't we care to keep our children - the future of this country - healthy?
And how can we deny health care to people who are ill? It seems immoral. The truth is that the goals of HMOs aren't to help people; their goals are to make money - and don't tell me its not. Pretty much every other nation has a nation-wide health care plan. Surgeries, medications, general visits, etc. are free (or virtually free). Why is it that we don't? It isn't because we are stubborn and have our own way of doing things. It is the MONEY. There is way too much money to lose for our privatization-happy administration. I have never been so turned off by the republican party in my life. I was actually fairly moderate at one time. Believe it or not I was "a conservative economically and a liberal socially". But my eyes have been opened by our money-happy, fear-thriving, self-centered administration. At some point it is necessary to forget about the bottom-line and start thinking about people.
It is so bad that even 9/11 volunteers - volunteers who carried dead bodies and cleaned ground zero - can't even get help from sickenss acquired while volunteering. They pay hundreds of dollars for inhalers and get help from their insurance. Meanwhile, criminals locked up in a federal penitentiary or even Guantanamo Bay are fully covered. I don't want to ruin the movie, but if you rent it you will understand...or you can just ask. It just isn't right.
People are so turned off by "Universal or Social" health care because they think of communism. This has nothing to do with communism. It has everything to do with making sure the citizens of this nation will help when they become sick. And don't be so quick to judge these 'communists'...Cuba (a communist nation) gives free medical attention to its citizens (and even non-citizens - they gave those same 9/11 volunteers the medical attention they were denied in the states). I hope people can really open their eyes and realize that Universal Health care is a good thing. Don't be so selfish. Don't be so greedy.
Please, regardless of ideological or political belief, rent this movie and decide for yourself. It is eye-opening.

Switching gears...This weekend was Zac's birthday (Happy Birthday!). We went out Saturday night to have a few drinks. I got a late start because of work, but had a great time anyways. We ended up at J&S Hamburg for some late night eats. I've had some bad experiences there and when we walked in the door the waitress said, 'ut-oh'. Haha we will leave it at that.
I started coaching wrestling on Monday and it has gone well so far. I am excited for our first meet. I am curious how it will go with me being the coach this time instead of wrestling. Coaching is something I am passionate about. I love teaching and working with the kids.
My interview with the Peace Corps went extremely well and I have another interview for substitute teaching next Tuesday.
Let me know what you all think. Take it easy.